
The participation of the Tunisian Bureau in the periodic meeting of the Car Insurance Committee and the Unified Arab Bureaux, held in Aqaba, Jordan, at the end of May 2022

The General Manager of the Tunisian Bureau participated in the activities of the annual meeting of the Car Insurance Committee and the Unified Arab Bureaux, which was held in Jordan on the side-lines of the Aqaba Insurance Conference in late May 2022.

The meeting dealt, in particular, with examining the proposal submitted by some bureaux of creating an Arab group to manage the orange card system.

The committee decided to continue studying the proposal in the light of the legal and economic feasibility study that will be carried out by a specialized office to be appointed by the General Secretariat of the GAIF.

On the side-lines of this meeting, the General Manager of the Bureau had several meetings with some directors of the Unified Arab Bureaux, such as the Algerian, Libyan and Omani Bureaux, in addition to the Secretary-General of the GAIF, devoted to discussing and exchanging views on a number of files and issues of common interest.