Model of Green Card

The Green Card is issued under the authority of the National Bureau of each country, it contains 11 compulsory elements :

1- The title of the document “INTERNATIONAL MOTOR INSURANCE CARD ”

2- The identity of the National Bureau: « ISSUED UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF (name of the national Bureau) »

3- The validity of the Green Card:

The minimum validity period of the green car is 15 days

4- Country code/Insurer’s Code/Number of the Green Card

5- Identification of the vehicle:

6- Category of vehicle

Définitions des codes « catégorie »: A (Automobile), B (Motocycle), C (Camion ou Tracteur), D (Cyclomoteur), E (Autobus ou Autocar), F (Remorque ou Semi-remorque) et G (Autres).

Lorsque le souscripteur du contrat possède une remorque ou une caravane attelée à son véhicule, la mention “et remorque” ou “et caravane” peut être ajoutée dans la case 6.

7- Make of vehicle:

8- The territorial validity (where the Green Car dis valid):

If an insurer wants to not grant its insurance for a country, it must cross the box of this country mentioned on the Green Card.

9- The name and the address of the insured:

10- The name and the address of the insurer:

11- The insurer signature :

On the back of the Green Card is mentioned a list of all Bureaux members of the green card system with their informations (telephone number, e-mails …).