The General Manager of the Tunisian Bureau participated in the activities of the regular general assembly of the Council of Green Card Bureaux, held in Belgrade, Serbia, from 1st to 2nd June 2022.
This session was attended by about 47 member Bureaux of the international insurance card system known as the green card, which was devoted to deliberating and voting on a set of decisions related to the activity of the Council of Green Card Bureaux and the green card system.
This event represented an occasion for the General Manager to meet with a number of Bureaux officials, such as the Moroccan, Italian, German, Dutch, Irish and Russian Bureau, in addition to some officials and frameworks of the Council of Green Card Bureaux.
The General Assembly approved changing the slogan of the Council of Bureaux to become more compatible with the its objectives, the developments of the system and the adhesion of new members such as the compensation funds and information Centres.
The participation of the Tunisian Bureau in the activities of the regular general assembly of the Council of Green Card Bureaux held in the Serbian capital Belgrade in early June 2022.
